Frequently Asked Questions

Where is TRUE Space located?

TRUE Space is located in Olympia Fields, IL., about 20 minutes south of Chicago. Due to COVID-19 related concerns and government restrictions, we have shifted majority of our services to a teletherapy format. We utilize a HIPPA compliant platform to virtually conduct our psychotherapy sessions.

How long is a typical psychotherapy session and how often will I meet with my therapist?

Most sessions occur weekly and last for about 45 to 50 minutes in length, however, you may meet longer or more frequently depending on your needs, goals, and presenting concerns. Couples sessions are often scheduled for 60 to 75 minutes. Session frequency and length should be discussed with your therapist during your first session.

How long can I expect to be in therapy?

The length of therapy is dependent on many factors, including your goals, how frequently and consistently you attend sessions, your motivation for change, and the type of concerns or issues you are addressing in therapy. In general, psychosocial stressors or problems can be addressed in fewer sessions than long-standing issues, or situations involving trauma or abuse. Therapy is a collaborative and unique experience for each client, as such, we encouraged you to discuss your preference and collaboratively identify an appropriate treatment plan with your therapist.

Do you provide tele-therapy?

Absolutely! Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have shifted to provided virtual psychotherapy in order to maintain the safety of our staff and clients. You can log on remotely by using your smart phone or laptop.

Do you accept my insurance?

TRUE Space accepts Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois insurance plans. We also offer the option to pay for services out-of-pocket. In order to make our services affordable and accessible, we offer services on a sliding scale under special circumstances. A sliding scale is very common and an acceptable form of a fee arrangement. The ability to offer sessions at a “sliding scale fee” is dependent on the financial situation of the client, the therapist’s schedule, and number of sliding scale clients that are already engaging in services.

How much does therapy cost?

Individual psychotherapy sessions will range from $175 to $185 per 50 minute session. Couples counseling ranges from $185 for 60 minutes to $225 per 90 minute session. Pricing for workshops, group therapy, and consultation services are available upon request.

What happens during the consultation call?

The consultation call is a short meeting to help you determine if the therapist would be a good fit for you, and it allows the therapist an opportunity to get a sense of what your presenting concerns are and to make sure they feel that they can competently treat you. Typically, the call lasts for about 20 to 30 minutes.